Deposits or Transfers
Banco Nación
Alias: Apraniprotectora
Account Type: Caja de Ahorro Juridica en Pesos
Account Number : 6381788870 – Branch Office 2495
CBU : 0110638740063817888708
Titular de cuenta: A.PR.ANI. Asociacion Protectora de Animales
Cuit A.PR.ANI. 30710585950
You can also make a donation from our Facebook page through MercadoPago.
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(For Argentina and all over the world.)
Otras donaciones
Medicamentos varios (consultar), cualquier tipo de pintura para las cuchas, materiales de construcción (chapas, ladrillos, cemento, vigas, alambre tejido, Madera), artículos de limpieza, muebles, cuchas, toallas y trapos, latas y comederos, collares, etc.
¡Muchas gracias!

In APRANI we give shelter, protection, veterinary care, a suitable nutrition, vaccines, de-worm treatments, anti-fleas treatments and lots of love to every animal we have with us. We want to be able to keep doing all this because it’s our passion, we would love to keep rescuing vulnerable and threatened animals, that’s why we need your help.
With your collaboration, we can feed all the animals that live at APRANI and broaden our rescue and protection capacity. We are in Moreno, the west area of the province of Buenos Aires.
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